We believe that following Jesus is many things. But for us at Lighthouse our focus is:
God designed us for relationship with Himself. Our response is to seek Him and to praise Him because …
• He provides for us
• He has given Himself for us
• The best things we see in life are reflections of Him
• He has given us His Word – so we can know His mind
Praise is many things. It is not just singing! Praise ultimately is measured in the way we lead our lives.
Means that we declare God’s worth to this world (literally, it is “worth-ship”). Linked to praise, we seek to orient our lives towards the One Who has already given Himself for us.
A part of worship is witnessing, telling other people how good He is.
We seek to praise and worship to a rhythm. As God has graciously set out a pattern based around the life, mission and ministry of Jesus, that is the rhythm we seek to use wherever possible.
That pattern is collectively called The Moedim. This may be new to some. But don’t worry, it’s really not difficult to understand!
In recognizing Jesus is Lord, we seek to learn from Him and to follow Him as closely as we can. That’s what discipleship means. As disciples, we seek to model our lives on His life. We try to represent Jesus in this world, as His ambassadors. n.b. we do not always succeed! But we do try!
We receive His teaching, through the witness of His Spirit and in enjoying His Word (the Bible). We receive His blessing as we follow Him.
We try to be light emitting disciples (LEDs), to His glory. We repeat, we try – we may not always succeed. That is why we always say, do not look at us, rather look only at Jesus. It is in Him that we find Life – in all its fullness.
Questions? Please drop us a line by email.
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Office: PO Box 212, Saffron Walden CB10 2UU
Phone: 07704 520205
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